
The Mawson Primary Mathematics program follows the Australian Curriculum. The curriculum is organised around three content strands; Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability. Embedded across these three areas are four proficiency strands, aimed at ensuring students' proficiency in mathematical skills. These strands are understanding, fluency, problem solving and reasoning that are part of Mathematics learning at all year levels. To support quality teaching our Mathematics program uses the Envision Mathematics curriculum resources which support differentiation and deep levels of learning.

Based on our knowledge of how students best learn mathematics, we use a Balanced Numeracy approach at Mawson underpinned by our Visible Learning philosophy.  This framework includes short warm up activities to start lessons, whole class explicit teaching, differentiated group work and whole class reflection.   Within all Maths lessons are opportunities for students to construct meaning from direct experiences by using manipulatives, conversation and feedback from teachers.  In the early years, The Count Me in Too Program forms the basis of these learning experiences in number.  In the senior years Middle Years Mental Computation (MYMC) is used to support student learning.